Wife, Mother, Authur, Dreamer, Business Owner, Leader, Friend and the Coach in your corner.

Estreanda is a writer and loves finding treasures in the bible and making them applicable to those she is entrusted to teach. She lead the Rock Church Homeless Ministry for 10 years and helped establish small church communities for the homeless all throughout San Diego County. In 2010 she founded a fitness bootcamp that raised over $50,000 for the homeless community in San Diego. 

In 2018, Estreanda started a women's group at the Rock Church San Diego where she would teach her 6-week series on helping women press through their fears. The group was very successful, and she witnessed lives transformed as women were positively impacted by the lessons Estreanda herself had learned and then taught through personal study of the bible. Keeping her classes and teaching style vulnerable and raw, Estreanda has a way of bringing women into her pain and her faith, and as a result they grow – exponentially. The overflowing success of the bible study evolved into the principles found in the p.u.r.p.o.s.e acronym of her book, On Purpose.

In 2020, Estreanda decided she'd really face some of her fears, and with the support of her husband and family she decided  to go after her entrepreneurial journey and was accepted by Amazon to become one of their contracted partners. After working for the same company over 10 years, and earning her role as the President of the company she left her executive position to start her entrepreneurial journey.  Estreanda knows what it's like to be paralyzed by fear and limiting beliefs. An introvert at heart, Estreanda finds joy in the simple things. She has done a lot of work to transform some of her greatest fears into power and purpose. She wears many hats but she puts her love, passion and energy into giving women tools to help them lean into their passion, press through their fears and build a life they love.

“Estreanda is the coach in my corner. Her words and her study of the Bible have given me the encouragement I needed to MOVE forward.”

- RM

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